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Traditional Three Coins Method
To inquire of the Oracle you will need 3 coins of equal value.
Think of a question or situation that you want to ask the Oracle.
Toss the 3 coins 6 times to indicate the number assigned to each line.
Heads = 2 Tails =3
Start from the bottom and move upward, there will be 6 lines.
Jot down the number that totals each of the 6 combinations.
Example: Upper Trigram = 2 changing lines and 1 unchanging line.
____0____ Sixth Line 9 changes to 8
____0____ Fifth Line 9 changes to 8
___ ___ Fourth Line 8
Example: Lower Trigram = 2 unchanging lines and 1 changing line.
_________ Third Line 7
_________ Second Line 7
___ x ___ First Line 6 changes to 7
Solid lines are Yang. Broken lines are Yin
3 heads = 6 Greater Yin. Broken line with an X to indicate a changing line
2 heads 1 tail = 7 Lesser Yang. Solid line with no X to indicate no change
2 tails 1 head = 8 Lesser Yin. Broken line with no X to indicate no change
3 tails = 9 Greater Yang, Solid line with an X to indicate a changing line
Make a second list to show the 6 hexagram combinations with the changed lines.
Where the is a 6 the line changes to a 7
Where there is a 9 the line changes to an 8
New Upper Trigram
___ ___ Sixth Line 8
___ ___ Fifth Line 8
___ ___ Fourth Line 8
New Lower Trigram
________ Third Line 7
________ Second Line 7
________ First Line 7
How to Determine the Number Without Using the Hexagram Chart
Some I CHING teachers use the total “score” that your numbers added up to.
The Hexagram value is the total of the 6 numbers instead of the 3-line Trigram patterns.
Example: Six 6s, add up to 36. Six 9s add up to 63.
This is a content preview space you can use to get your audience interested in what you have to say so they can’t wait to learn and read more. Pull out the most interesting detail that appears on the page and write it here.
Eight Trigrams Sequence. (South at the Top)
Heaven: South, Summer, Father, Expansion, Creative Influence, The Sky
Wind: Southwest, Summer, Eldest Daughter, Gentle Influence, Flexibility
Water: Autumn, Middle Son, Abysmal, Danger, Raging Rivers, The Moon
Mountain: Northwest, Autumn, Youngest Son, Stillness, Unmovable
Earth: Winter, Mother, Receptive, Nurturing, Yielding
Thunder: Winter, Eldest Son, Arousing, Excitement, Shock, Revolution, Division
Fire: East, Spring, Middle Daughter, Clinging, Rapid Movement, Radiance, The Sun
Lake: Southeast, Spring, Joy, Satisfaction, Stagnation
The Zhou Dynasty (1046-256BCE)
King Wen is credited with the arrangement of the hexagram sequence, the foundation of the stories shared within Travel Guide to the Universe.
The Hexagram Chart
Find the result that matches the lines from the first 3 lines from your coin toss along the vertical column.
Find the result that matches the lines from the second 3 lines along the top row.
The I Ching conjoins the 2 trigrams to create the hexagram that indicates your story.
The Changing Lines
Use three coins to determine the result of the first six lines to reveal the hexagram.
Toss the coins six times, record the numbers and determine which lines are changing.
Three heads = 6 a broken line that changes to 7, a solid lines
Three tails = 9, a solid line that changes to 8, a broken line.
Make a second list to show the 6 hexagram combinations with the changed lines.
Where the is a 6 the line changes to a 7
Where there is a 9 the line changes to an 8
Find the conjoining trigrams which indicate the changed hexagram for the situation moving forward.
Do not read any changing lines for the changed situation’s advise.
Reference Wilhelm/Baynes Introduction page XLIX
Positive lines that move = 9 changing to 8, a negative line.
Negative lines that move - 6 changing to 7, a positive line.
The stories in this publication do not include the traditional references to the advise of each changing line within the hexagram received from the first inquiry.
The importance of understanding the answer to your first coin toss is to understand how the forces of nature influence your world.
Each story represents the relationship of the 4 elements and the 4 attributes in relation to each other.
The Element and Attribute Relationships
There are 64 possible combinations which describe the lives of the people in their efforts to survive as they evolved from a nomadic lifestyle into an organized society based colonial feudalism.
Balance the Story You Tell Yourself
At the end of each story is a contemplation which encourages your belief in the path to good fortune.
As you inquire of the Oracle I invite you to make notes about your questions that result in each story.
The goal is to become aware of situations in your life that trigger reactions.
Positive energy and negative energy are indicated in every situation.
Re program your mind to respond to triggers with neutrality, taking time to work through the highs and lows of a constantly changing universe.
Re program you mind to respond to triggers with neutrality, taking time to work through the highs and lows of a constantly changing universe.
Online Reference: Later Heaven Baugua and Early Heaven Bagua
Zhou Dynasty, Ancient History Encyclopedia
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